Christmas vacations at the phanTECHNIKUM
The year is drawing to a close and all events at phanTECHNIKUM have been successfully completed. We can look back on an eventful time full of commitment and successful projects. Thank you for making this year possible! Now we wish you a relaxing Christmas break and look forward to the coming year full of new and exciting experiences. Finally, here are a few more exciting offers for you.
Public guided tour
Experience an exciting overview tour during which you will gain fascinating insights into our exhibitions and exhibits. Our experts will guide you through the world of technological history and show you the highlights of our museum. Join us and be inspired by the diversity and fascination of technology!
1€ per person (plus admission)
Simply send an e-mail to buchen@phantechnikum.de and book a place.
The maximum number of participants is limited, so better secure your place quickly!